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How to Determine Ring Size? | Detailed Guide

by huShirley 10 Sep 2024

It is therefore important to know “How to determine ring size?” when buying or ordering a ring whether it is for personal use or another person. A ring which is too big or too small can cause discomfort, can easily get misplaced or would demand a lot of money for resizing. Read this guide to learn “How to determine ring size?” from various techniques that you can use to make sure that the ring fits well.

Understanding Ring Sizes

To know about “How to determine ring size?”, it is necessary to get familiar with how the sizes are usually denoted. Most of the countries use numerical values to define the size of the ring and the values can be from 3 to 13 for the adults. Certain areas employ alphabets or other numerical systems to measure ring sizes.

Hence it would help if you were conversant with the sizing chart applied by your jeweler or the country in which you are buying the engagement ring. Also, one should always consider that the ring sizes may vary from one country to another and therefore it is advisable to check the size chart when ordering online from another country.

Factors Affecting Ring Size

Several factors can affect an individual’s ring size which means that this is not such a straightforward measurement as one might imagine. Due to factors such as age, temperature, time of the day, and hormonal changes finger size may increase or decrease. For instance, fingers are somewhat bigger in the evening or when the weather is hot because of fluid retention.

On the other hand, cold temperatures make fingers shrink and it is possible to get a smaller size than the actual one. It is also important to note that women’s rings may change size during pregnancy or even during menstruation. These factors show that there is a necessity to take the measurements of the ring size more than once and in various conditions.

Professional Measurement

Another way of getting the right ring size is by visiting a professional jeweller. Jewellers possess special equipment and a lot of knowledge on “How to determine ring size?” They usually apply the use of a mandrel which is a tapered rod which has different ring sizes marked on it, and a set of ring sizers that can be worn to determine the right size.

There are other important considerations that only professionals can help with, for example, the width of the band and the shape of the ring, which might influence the way it will be worn on the finger. It is highly suggested when buying a ring or any other most important purchase such as an engagement ring for instance.

Home Measurement Techniques

Even though it is better to consult a specialist, there are some ways how to measure ring size without a specialist. These techniques are quite helpful especially when proposing shockingly or when ordering the rings over the internet. Nevertheless, it has to be mentioned that although these methods can give a reasonable result, they may not be as precise as the measurements taken by professionals.

String or Paper Strip Method

This method only requires the use of a string or a piece of paper folded into a strip and worn around the base of the finger. Fold the string or paper to make a circle mark the overlapping point and then measure the length using the ruler.

It is advisable to compare this measurement with a ring size chart to know the corresponding size. For best results, it is recommended that this be done several times and then the measurements are averaged.

Existing Ring Method

If you have another ring that you want to wear on the same finger you can use it as your reference. To determine your ring size, place the ring on a ring size chart or use an application that will show you the inner diameter of the ring and the sizes that correspond to it. This method is quite helpful when one is in a dilemma of finding out other people’s ring size without other people noticing.

Digital Tools and Apps

Many techniques are used in the modern world to know “How to determine ring size?”, and one of these is the use of various applications on smartphones and other online tools. These usually involve using the camera or the screen of your device to measure the circumference of a finger or to compare the size of rings that one wants to purchase with standard sizes. Even though they are quite helpful, these methods may not always be accurate and for this reason, one should employ them in conjunction with other measuring tools.

Tips for Different Types of Rings

The looks of the ring also play a big role in how it will fit on the finger. Wide bands are usually wider than thin bands, and hence they need a slightly bigger size as compared to the thin ones. Likewise, rings with intricate details on the setting or those rings that are positioned further up the finger as compared to normal bands may have a different size.

To get a better idea of the ring size for a certain design, it is recommended to wear other similar designs or to visit a jewellery store and ask for the advice of the expert on how the construction of the ring may influence the size.

To help those in need of assistance in measuring ring size or to choose from a variety of rings that fit just right, PANPANXI has sizing services and a selection of rings for every purpose. Our professional jewellers will be able to help you in the sizing process of your ring making every time you wear it truly special.

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