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What Is Moissanite?| Detailed Explanation

by huShirley 03 Sep 2024

What is moissanite? This is a question worth exploring. Moissanite is a rare and beautiful gemstone. Its excellent optical properties and cost-effectiveness make it widely spread, and it becomes an ideal choice for consumers. The name Moissan comes from French chemist Henri Moissan, he first discovered this mineral in 1893. Although natural moissanite is extremely rare, with the advancement of modern technology, laboratory-synthesized moissanite has been widely used in the jewelry market. This article will focus on exploring what moissanite is and its characteristics.


French chemist Henri Moissan first identified this mineral in a crater in Arizona in 1883. At first, he thought it was a type of diamond. However, after further analysis, he discovered it was a new type of silicon carbide crystal. To honor the scientist's discovery, this gemstone was named moissanite. This mineral is scarce, it only exists in meteorites or a very small number of natural mineral deposits. Scientists have realized its potential value. Although natural moissanite is rare, the emergence of artificial moissanite fills this gap.

In the late 20th century, artificial moissanite began to be synthesized through high-temperature and high-pressure technology. The synthetic material largely preserves the durability and beauty of natural moissanite. Mass production at a relatively low cost is another advantage. These merits make moissanite to be a substitute for diamonds.

Characteristics of moissanite

Moissanite’s hardness and luster are very famous. It is a compound composed of carbon and silicon. It has some unique properties that make it stand out in the jewelry industry.

Moissanite’s Mohs hardness is as high as 9.25, second only to diamond (10). It is far ahead among gemstones. From this, it can be seen that moissanite is very durable in daily wear, it is suitable for everyday jewelry such as rings and earrings. Other common gemstones such as ruby and sapphire have a hardness of 9, while emerald’s hardness is approximately 7.5 to 8.

Moissanite’s refractive index is very high, it ranges from 2.65 to 2.69. That exceeds the diamond’s 2.42; Its dispersion value (light scattering degree) is 0.104, higher than the diamond's 0.044. The data means that moissanite can exhibit more dazzling and colorful light than diamonds under light.

In appearance, high-quality moissanite is almost indistinguishable from diamonds. Most moissanite’s color ranges from colorless to light yellow, and some can even reach a completely colorless state through processing. However, unlike natural diamonds, moissanite can be synthesized in batches in the laboratory, which makes its color and purity more controllable.

Moissanite’s specific gravity is 3.21g/cm³, which is slightly lower than diamond (3.52g/cm³). Therefore when people wear moissanite, they can feel it is somewhat light. In addition, moissanite has extremely high thermal conductivity, which is close to diamond. When they are tested, this characteristic may cause traditional diamond detection instruments (usually based on thermal conductivity) to mistake moissanite for diamond. Therefore, professional gemstone testing requires the use of specific equipment to distinguish between moissanite and diamonds.

Manufacturing process

Because moissanite is quite rare in daily life, modern moissanite is mainly produced through artificial synthesis. Moissanite can be synthesized through high-temperature, high-pressure, and gas-phase deposition methods. The high-temperature and high-pressure methods simulate the geological conditions for the formation of natural moissanite. Moissanite crystals are formed by combining silicon and carbide in a high-temperature and high-pressure environment. The vapor deposition method is to form a moissanite film by depositing gaseous silicon and carbon compounds on the substrate in a vacuum environment.

Moissanite’s physical and chemical properties produced by these two methods are almost the same as natural moissanite. Artificially synthesized moissanite’s quality and purity continue to improve based on the developed technology. That can meet the needs of the high-end jewelry market.

Advantages and disadvantages of moissanite

After understanding the question” What is moissanite?”, we can know that although moissanite is similar to diamonds in many ways, it still has its unique advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of moissanite include affordability, environmental friendliness, and excellent optical performance. The price of moissanite is much lower than that of diamonds, which makes it an ideal choice for consumers who pursue beautiful jewelry but with limited budgets. In terms of environmental protection and ethics, laboratory-synthesized moissanite does not involve mining processes. Therefore it has less damage to the environment and avoids the so-called "blood drilling" problem. Moissanite’s high refractive index and dispersion value make it shine more brilliantly in light than diamond.

The disadvantages of moissanite are its thermal conductivity and cultural value. Moissanite’s thermal conductivity is similar to that of diamond. Therefore that makes traditional diamond testers unable to effectively distinguish between the two and may lead to confusion. In terms of cultural value, although moissanite is not inferior to diamonds in appearance and performance, it lacks the historical and cultural value that diamonds possess. In some cases, people tend to choose diamonds as gemstones that symbolize love and commitment.


What is Moissanite? After knowing about moissanite, we can conclude that it is suitable for most people based on its benefits. Moissanite can be a great choice to be a ring. It shows a brilliant light in any light. In addition, It does not cause environmental damage and does not involve complex mining and trading processes. Its environmentally friendly property gives it very obvious advantages. If you are considering choosing a ring made from moissanite, Panpanxi is a website that can provide you with references. This is a brand specializing in jewelry made of moissanite, hope you can choose the style that suits you here.

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