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When Did Asian Cultures Start Using Wedding Rings for Marriage? Review

by huShirley 13 Sep 2024

In an attempt to gain a clear perspective on “When asian culture start to using wedding rings for marriage?”, it is important to analyse the history of this practice about other factors that have influenced its development, especially the globalization and westernization of the region.

The practice of wearing wedding rings during marriage ceremonies is a sign of the marriage contract, which is widely accepted in different cultures, but the use of wedding rings is relatively new in Asian cultures, and it shows the people’s adherence to the tradition as well as their accommodation for the change brought about by globalization.

Origin and the Background of Wedding Rings in Asian Cultures

Wedding rings as a symbol of marriage have been an old concept in Asian cultures for many years now, as they have been in the Western world for decades. In many Asian societies, especially the Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, marriage has been more of a formality that involved some ceremonies such as the use of flowers, tying of knots or giving of other gifts to symbolize the union of the two families.

These traditions stem from cultural and religious practices that value the family, unity and the senior members of the family rather than the so-called love that is synonymous with a ring in Western culture. But with the opening up to the global market and the fusion of cultures between the Eastern and the Western world, the idea of wedding rings as a sign of marriage has slowly been embraced in Asian societies, especially among the youth.

Review of Western Culture and Modernisation

As the topic raised “When asian culture start to using wedding rings for marriage?”, the use of wedding rings in Asian cultures can be said to have been influenced by Western culture, especially during the colonial period and even after gaining independence but especially in the 19th and 20th centuries. For instance, in Japan, there is the Meiji Restoration which witnessed the globalization and modernization process in the country.

Western culture such as marriage rings was adopted by the Japanese aristocrats and later spread to the other people. Likewise, in China, when the country opened up to the world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and when the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the Chinese also adopted some of the Western customs such as the use of wedding rings especially among the urban people who had more exposure to the Western culture.

Contemporary Symbolism of Wedding Rings

Although the use of wedding rings in Asian cultures can be attributed to Western influence, it is worth mentioning that this has not been done blindly but rather in a way that is appropriate to different societies in Asia. As far as “When asian culture start to using wedding rings for marriage?” is concerned, in India and China, the wedding ring is part of the wedding rites whereas other rites like the exchange of garlands or the lighting of a holy fire are also done to give a nice blend of the cultures of the two worlds.

Wedding rings are at times viewed not only as a symbol of love between two persons but also as a symbol of unity between two families and sustaining of culture, which is very paramount in Asian societies.

Present Practice of Wedding Rings in the Asian Cultures

Currently, the practice of wedding rings among the Asian population is on the rise, especially in urban society and among the youth who embrace the new world order. In countries such as South Korea, Japan, and China, the tradition of wedding rings has become very popular in the recent past and many couples are now conducting their weddings in the Western style, where exchange of rings is considered an important ritual.

This trend is also observed in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand and Vietnam, where the practice of wearing wedding rings, especially by the young generation, has been on the rise over the recent past due to the globalization influence as well as people’s desire to show their love and commitment in their relationships.

For couples who want to have a wedding that is more than just a simple event but a ceremony that fuses the Asian culture with the Western culture, PANPANXI presents a selection of elegant wedding rings that are perfect for such couples as they signify the couple’s special love story. Through the use of quality workmanship and an understanding of Asian culture, PANPANXI makes sure that every ring that is produced is not only elegant in design but also has cultural significance.

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